The past year has been very unusual. The world has undergone tremendous changes, and the epidemic has brought great challenges. Among all the great uncertainties today, one thing is certain, that is, the trend of digitalization has not changed. Digital used to only make some enterprises live better, but today is the key to the survival of enterprises. The process of digitalization may have taken 30 to 50 years to complete, but now it has been greatly accelerated, and this process is likely to be shortened to 10 to 20 years. , Among all the uncertainties we are facing, digitalization is the most certain huge opportunity for us now, so today Chongqing holds this intelligent conference, and everyone discusses the opportunity of intelligent technology, which is of great significance to the future.

Chongqing has been a leading city in the application and innovation of digital technology in the past two years. I remember that last year, Chongqing used unmanned boats to patrol the Yangtze River. This year, I heard that Chongqing has started to use digital technology to control high-altitude parabolas. Chongqing was built on water and prospered because of water. I believe that Chongqing in the future must prosper because of data. Because the future development of cities depends on who has more data, who can calculate faster, and who can truly understand data. , protect the security and privacy of data, and make good use of data to promote economic and social development,

The sign that mankind has fully entered the data age is the large-scale transformation and upgrading of traditional industries benefiting from digital technology. Today, every enterprise must think about digitalization. In the past, China's street shops were able to operate less than 20% online. One or two incidents occurred after the epidemic. Within a month, hundreds of thousands of mom-and-pop shops have opened Wanfufu online takeout. It is not invincible that they have the ability to buy and sell online. There are thousands of mom-and-pop shops behind them, and digital productivity has begun to use advanced technology to transform their own businesses. Traditional industries, e-commerce in the past, today's agriculture, logistics, service industry, all industries are facing an unprecedented huge opportunity, using digital technology to increase R&D to reduce the promotion cost, channel cost, labor cost and management cost of enterprises, Every traditional industry has the opportunity to become a technology-driven modern industry. This epidemic is turning many original emergency technologies into everyday technologies. This is a huge opportunity.

The biggest beneficiaries in the process of digitization are not Internet companies, but users' own companies, so I want to tell those angel investors, whether it is venture capital, that PE should not only focus on Internet companies, but not on Internet topics. , and the real opportunities in the future are those traditional industries that use new technologies to change themselves. Once the traditional manufacturing industry is combined with new technologies, it can be very advanced. On the contrary, the leading companies in the Internet industry are actually very easy to be subverted and overthrown. In fact, the future will not In an industry called the Internet industry, because all industries use Internet technology, the only difference between traditional industries and the future is whether new concepts are used? New technology can change oneself. The most certain development in the next ten years must be to make good use of digital technology to improve the progress and development of its traditional industries. Today, many places are talking about digitalization and think that they are doing digitalization, but I found that many places actually It is not true digitization, but IT and informatization. Of course, IT and informatization are very important. Today we also heard some people talk about 5G, but we cannot equate 5G with just a communication technology. Communication technology is only the initial stage of 5G. It is just an application, and the proportion will not exceed 5%. Just like when electricity was first invented, people thought that using electric light was electricity, but electric light was only one of the earliest applications of electricity. Electricity brings imagination space to human beings. , far less than electric lights. The real 5G era is the era of the interconnection of all things, the era of digitalization of all businesses, the era of businessization of all data, the comprehensive digitization of supply chain manufacturing and service industries, and the era of human beings entering the IoT Internet of Things in an all-round way. The scale of an enterprise, we look at its electricity consumption, and in the future we will look at its data usage, how much data from the Internet of Everything it uses, and to what extent data drives production and management drives the market. In the past, the technological investment in the manufacturing industry was the investment in the input line of equipment, but now the investment in digital technology and talent is in the digital transformation of products. China has the largest clothing production line in the world, but the future orders of nearly 10,000 pieces of clothing for clothing factories are not the ability to receive orders for one piece of clothing, but the real effort.

China is a big exporter, and our traditional foreign trade export methods will be hindered, but digital cross-border business has rapidly flourished. Future cross-border trade is also built on the new infrastructure of global payment, global logistics and digital customs clearance, not multinational companies and containers, but small and medium-sized enterprises and small parcels. In the past, it was mainly passenger planes that flew in the sky. In the future, it is very likely that most of the planes flying in the sky will be cargo planes. Digitalization will really stimulate China's domestic demand. The domestic demand of our 1.4 billion people is far from being discovered. The development of quality technology will enable China's domestic demand to enter a new stage. Americans rely on the domestic demand of 300 million people to leverage the world economy. In the future, the domestic demand of China's 1.4 billion people will promote the development of the world economy. The quality economy of the Internet is condensing this powerful domestic demand, and China's third-, fourth-, and fifth-tier cities have huge markets and potential. We must find 300 cities with a population of 1 million, and 100 cities with a population of 3 million. The transformation of the digital infrastructure of these cities and the development of digital consumption are the engines of economic development in the next step. Because many jobs in the future of digital technology manufacturing will definitely be replaced by machines, the main force of job creation in the future will not be manufacturing. It is the service industry in the digital age. Both the manufacturing industry and the service industry are inseparable from the development of the financial industry. In the past, the financial system was based on people looking for money, and enterprises looking for money, but the new financial system. The core of all this depends on intelligence, big data, cloud computing and blockchain. Today, many places are labeled with the block chain, but it has little to do with the real blockchain. Blockchain is the solution for privacy data privacy and data security. Bitcoin may be a bubble today, but blockchain is certainly not a bubble. Finally, I want to face the great changes in the future, and those who need reform and change most urgently today are not educated. China now has less than 14 million new children every year. This is the most precious brain mine in our country. Their education method determines the future of the country and society. If we continue to use the methods of the industrial age to educate today's children, our children will not be able to compete with machines in the future. , today's educational methods are established to adapt to industrialized assembly line production. And we need new education for the digital age and education for the future. Today, we are facing economic, social and technological differences, just like our aircraft is breaking through the cloudy period. As long as we have firm direction, belief and actions, we will be able to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities. Thank you. (2022)